Saturday, March 7, 2009


Well, my intention was to make brioche dough last night, proof it overnight, and then shape the dough and bake it this morning. However, that didn't happen because I fell asleep too early. Instead, I got up early this morning and began to make the dough. When I cracked the eggs, I was rather surprised. The yolks were the most wonderful orange! I haven't seen eggs as pretty outside of Europe. While I know the color won't impact taste significantly-- and certainly not in a dough--, it's still nice because it's obvious that the farmer takes great care in raising their chickens. So at the very least, they're excellent quality, woo! That never hurt anyone. What's even more surprising is that they came from Publix! I saw this nice carton on the shelf and thought to myself, "Self, that is a pretty carton. You should buy those eggs instead of the styrofoam-packed ones." I didn't have a clue that the eggs would be so pretty. Well, I'm glad I'm a sucker for nice packaging. Oh, I forgot to mention. They're from "The Country Hen". So if you find them and buy them, may your eggs be as lovely as mine.

The brioche dough is in the fridge. Here's to hoping it turns out beautifully (and tastes decent as well).

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